What the heck is an online junkyard?  And why would you ever want to embrace a junkyard, otherwise known as wrecking yards?

If the idea of saving money appeals to you, read on and find out.

If the idea of helping the environment appeals to you, read on.

And, if the idea of “ease of shopping” appeals to you, read on.

We are All Import Auto Parts, leaders in online junkyard shopping in the Fort Worth area. Give us a call, tell us what you need in quality used auto parts, and we will find them for you at a great price.

What more could you ask for?

What is an online junkyard?

Let’s say you need brake pads for your 2000 Ford Ranger.  You call us your local auto parts store, you tell them what you need, and they quote you a price which is considerably beyond your budget.  Or you are unable to travel to the auto parts store because, well, your means of transportation doesn’t have any brakes.

In those instances, you would get online, look up salvage yards in your Google search, pick one like All Import Auto Parts, and fill out the “parts search” information.  Hit the “search” button, the data base of thousands of salvage yards across America is searched, your brake pads are found, and they are shipped to your city/home.

To explain it in terms most people will understand, an online junkyard is like shopping Amazon, except it specializes in used car parts and used truck parts.

Does it work for hard-to-find parts?

We make this bold statement at All Import Auto Parts: you can’t stump us.  If it exists, we can find it.  Period! End of story!  We can find parts for a vehicle no longer produced, and we can find parts for vehicles most people have never heard of.

Yes, it works for hard-to-find parts!

How much money will you save?

On average, salvage yards will save you around 40% on parts. That’s an industry average, so the savings could be more for certain parts.  What does 40% mean to you? The average car owner will spend a couple thousand dollars, per year, on car repair. The cost of that car repair is split between labor and the cost of the new replacement parts.  Let’s say, of that $2,000 each year, $1,000 of it is on new car parts. Savings of 40% will mean savings of $400 per year.

How does a savings of $400 sound to you?

How does an online junkyard help the environment?

To put this in the simplest way possible, when you purchase used car parts, that means that fewer new car parts are produced, which mean less mining for metals and less energy used in that mining, and that is a huge WIN for the environment.  It is basically recycling for cars, and you all know the importance of recycling in today’s world.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts

So, there you have it. If you are interested in saving money, and in helping the environment, there really is only one choice regarding the online junkyard, and that is to try it. Call us today, or check out our parts search on our website. We are family owned and operated, serving the good people of Fort Worth for over thirty years.