Before we suggest buying used auto body parts, it falls on us to tell you why we believe doing so is a wise decision. We are All Import Auto Parts, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with outstanding, reliable, and affordable used auto parts and used truck parts. Call us today, tell us what you need, and we will find it for you at a price you can afford.

Tough economy means saving money any way possible.

Talk about sticker shock!  Have you taken your car into an auto shop lately for a tune-up or general maintenance?  It is very hard to get out of these for less than $500. And that’s just for general maintenance.  If you need a part replaced, or a repair performed, you are closing in on a grand very quickly.

Is it any wonder, then, that more and more people are turning to DIY car repair.  Gone is the excuse “but I don’t know anything about car repair.” YouTube has eliminated that excuse. There are literally videos about any car repair imaginable on YouTube, meaning all you need is a set of tools and the willingness to try, and you can save yourself thousands of dollars each year.

Which brings us to used car parts and used auto body parts.  Where is the best place to find them? Your local salvage yards offer the best product for the money.

Used auto body parts reliability.

When we are talking about used auto body parts, reliability is only a matter of concern if the body parts has been damaged in an auto accident.  If the part, say a side panel, is taken off of a car not involved in an accident, the side panel is as reliable as a new side panel.

Still, most salvage yards offer a warranty, and at our own All Import Auto Parts, that warranty is an industry-best 90 days.

When money is important.

If you are in the bottom 99% of wage earners in this country, money is important to you. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, money is your main concern once the safety of your family is assured. So when we start talking to you about saving 40%, on average, on auto body parts, it is worth paying attention to.  And when we are talking about DIY, and saving on labor costs, we are talking about saving about 75% on any repair or maintenance.  Put another way, over the span of a year, you will save from $1000-$2000, and that’s if nothing major goes wrong.  And much more should you need a repair performed.

Which leads us to a question only you can answer: would an extra couple thousand dollars help your current financial situation?

If the answer to that question is yes, we strongly suggest you hop on YouTube, begin your schooling, and then visit your local salvage yard.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts.

All Import Auto Parts is family owned and operated. With over thirty years in this business, we are literally helping the next generation of customers with our next generation of family members, and we think that is very cool. Call us today and we will find the parts you need at a price you can afford.