We have three criteria for you to go by in choosing the best among used auto parts stores in your area, and we are going to share those criteria with you in this article.

We are All Import Auto Parts, serving the Fort Worth, Texas, area with quality used car parts and topnotch used truck parts for the past thirty + years, so our opinions carry some weight in this area.  Call us for more information or, if you live in the Fort Worth area, stop by and see for yourself is what we tell you in this article is true.

Now, let’s talk about three criteria in choosing the best used auto parts store in your area.

The cost at used auto parts stores

When you purchase used auto parts, you are obviously purchasing at a discount. They are, after all, used car parts.  So, your first criteria will be the price you pay.  The industry standard among salvage yards, wrecking yards, and other used auto parts stores, is about 40% discount. Some offer a bit higher; some offer a bit lower. And most will have monthly specials for you to also consider.

Price-compare when you are looking for a particular auto part but, mind you, cost is not the only determining factor when looking for a good used auto parts store.

The reliability of used auto parts stores

How reliable are those used auto parts being sold?  Used can mean taken from a vehicle which has sat, unused, for twenty years, or used can mean taken from a vehicle recently in an auto accident, with the part in question untouched and working perfectly. The first example is a risk no matter the cost. The second example is still a risk, since we are talking about used, but not nearly the risk taken on in the first example.

At All Import Auto Parts, we offer a 90-day warranty with every single used car part we sell.  No, that is not total insurance for the buyer, but it does speak to our confidence in selling any part. We test every part we sell, so we have the confidence to give a warranty on that part.

Check around your area. If there is no warranty attached to the parts purchased, move on to the next used auto parts store.  No warranty generally means no confidence.

The reputation behind the name of salvage yards

We stand by our reputation in Fort Worth. We welcome scrutiny. We are family-owned and operated, we have been serving the fine people of Fort Worth for over three decades, and we are confident in that reputation.

We believe reputation is important.  Ask around your area.  Ge references. Check on those reference. Check with the Chamber of Commerce. Check with the Better Business Bureau.  Over time, the cream will rise to the top in any industry, and people notice. It will not take you long to have a short list of used auto parts stores, in your area, which are trustworthy.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts

We’ve said it all in this article. Thirty years of distinguished service in Fort Worth is all we have to say. Call us and we will take care of your used auto parts needs.