Auto recycling may not solve all of the environmental problems in the world, but every little bit helps, and auto recycling is much more than “a little bit.”  Read on to find out the impact auto recycling has on Mother Earth.

We are All Import Auto Parts, serving the Greater Fort Worth area for over thirty years. When the best of the area’s salvage yards is what you need, there really is only one call to make . . . All Import Auto Parts, the used auto parts leader in Tarrant County.

And that means, of course, that we are doing our part to help the environment.

How does auto recycling works?

For those of you not familiar with salvage yards, or wrecking yards as they are also known as, they are places where non-functioning or wrecked cars and trucks are taken and the parts are sold to the public at discounted prices. Say you get in an accident tomorrow. Thankfully no one in your vehicle is hurt, but your vehicle is “totaled” and declared inoperable by the insurance company.  That vehicle is then towed to a salvage yard, and the used car parts are then sold to the public for approximately a 40%-50% savings.

When all of the parts that can be sold are sold, the remaining metal, the frame, is sold to an actual auto recycling plant, where the metal is crushed, melted down, and then sold to auto manufacturers, who then use the recycled metal to manufacture new auto parts and new auto and trucks.

Auto recycling means less mining

The first benefit to the environment, stemming from auto recycling, is it means that fewer raw materials must be mined to produce new vehicles, and less mining is always a good thing for Mother Earth.  Less mining means fewer trees cut down, less runoff, less scouring of the landscape, more stability for the landscape, just an all-around good thing.

Auto recycling means less energy used

And, of course, less mining means less energy is used in the mining process.  A tremendous amount of hydroelectric power is used during the mining process, and despite what people may think, we do not have an unlimited supply of hydroelectric power. The less electricity we can use for things like manufacturing, the better for everyone in the community.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts

For over thirty years, this family owned and operated salvage yard has led the way in environmental practices in the Fort Worth community, and we are proud to be among the leaders in energy savings and good Earth business practices.  Let’s face it, Americans love their automobiles, so we can assume that autos and trucks will be a part of the American scene for a long time to come.  As long as they are, practicing auto recycling is the most environmentally-friendly thing we can do in the auto industry.

All Import Auto Parts, your answer when you want to save money and help the Earth.  Call us today, tell us what you need, and we will find it for you quicker than you can say “auto recycling.”