Salvage yards are all about saving money, but really that’s just one more marketing pitch; the only way to really experience the truth of that statement is to go find out for yourself.

To push you in that direction, this article will break it all down for you, the dollars and cents of buying used auto parts and used truck parts from salvage yards.

We are All Import Auto Parts, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with quality used car parts for over thirty years.  Call us the next time you want to save some serious money on car repair.

What can you buy at salvage yards?

You may think it is difficult to buy salvage parts for your 1968 Camaro, but we are here to tell you it is no more difficult than picking up your phone.

You may think it is difficult to buy used car parts for your 1945 Nash, but we are here to tell you it is no more difficult than picking up your phone.

We could say that same sentence for any make and model and year of car you can think of.  And surely one of you, right now, is thinking that it is physically impossible for a salvage yard to carry parts for every vehicle ever made, and you would be technically correct in saying that, but the internet changed the game.  Salvage yards have computer apps which allow us to find the parts you want in any of the 60,000 salvage yards across this country.  Finding what you want is as easy as making a couple clicks with a computer mouse.

What kind of savings at salvage yards?

So, what kind of savings are we talking about? The industry standard is 40%, which is just a number until you do a little deep diving into what that means.  The average car owner will spend a couple thousand dollars each year on car maintenance and repair.  About half of that cost is in the cost of parts, so let’s say $1000 per year.  Saving 40% of that means a savings of $400 per year, and most working families in this country would be thrilled if they could trim $400 from their yearly expenses.

A little extra something found at All Import Auto Parts.

And, because there are always some Doubting Thomases out there, at All Import Auto Parts we also offer a 90-day warranty on all parts we sell; in addition, we test each part before we sell it to make sure it is in proper working condition.

Forty percent savings plus a 90-day warranty?  And the knowledge that practically any car owner can do 90% of the repairs on their vehicle with a little help from friends and YouTube?  We are now talking about compelling reasons to shop at your local salvage yards.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts.

Family owned and operated, All Import Auto Parts has been serving Fort Worth residents for over thirty years. We submit to you that longevity like that only happens if the customer service is outstanding.

Call us today; we WILL find what you need at a price you can afford.