salvage yards

Can you trust used auto parts stores?  Can you trust a used auto parts purchased from one of these stores, also known as a salvage yards?

We are going to present an argument to you which we believe will convince you that used car parts, purchased from your local salvage yard, are well-worth purchasing and quite reliable.  We are All Import Auto Parts in Fort Worth, and we’ve been in this business for over thirty years. We would submit to you that the kind of business longevity we brag about could only be attained by reliable, trustworthy service and products. Call us for more details about All Import Auto Parts and used auto parts in general.

The need for used auto parts stores

In today’s troubling economy, saving money on your vehicle is crucial.  Money is tight. The economy is uncertain.  People need their vehicles, but their discretionary income is severely limited.  This is the perfect scenario for purchasing car parts at a discount, and that’s what salvage yards provide.  Major car parts selling for huge discounts, sometimes as high as 50%, that kind of offer is very attractive in an unsettled economy, and that’s what we offer at All Import Auto Parts – peace of mind at a great value.

All parts tested

At All Import Auto Parts, and at every reputable salvage yard, a diagnostic test is performed on every major used car part we sell.  In other words, at the time of the sale, the part we are selling our customers has passed a computer test which has declared it as perfectly functioning.

All parts warrantied

All Import Auto Parts offers a ninety-day warranty with every single used car part we sell.  That’s a huge guarantee during these uncertain times.  We are offering 90 days of worry-free driving at a huge discount. Will the used part last longer than ninety-days?  There are no guarantees in life, but we are very confident that most used car parts have a long life ahead of them.  Vehicle parts are made and designed to last 150,000 miles or more. If you buy a fuel pump from a vehicle with 75,000 miles on it, chances are excellent you will be using that car part, without a problem, for a good year or longer.

The business reputation to consider

Perhaps your greatest guarantee about those used salvage auto parts is the fact that the salvage yard’s reputation depends upon the quality of the car parts they are selling.  Word spreads quickly on social media. Any customer can leave a comment on our website. Any customer can complain to the Better Business Bureau if we don’t provide what we say we are going to provide. It would be business suicide for us at All Import Auto Parts to sell poor-quality products. We simply will not do that. We will do everything in our power at All Import Auto Parts to make sure the parts we sell you are high-quality.

Our future success depends on it, and thirty years in the business pretty much guarantees that our reputation is well-deserved.

Call the pros at All Import Auto Parts and find out what we can do for you.