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Why used auto body parts? What is gained by purchasing used auto body parts?

Times are tough for millions of Americans, and owning a car or truck, for convenience or necessity, can be a drain on whatever savings they may have. The cost of fuel, the cost of maintenance, the cost of repair, all adding up to thousands of dollars each year, oftentimes thousands of dollars the car owners do not have.

One way to save money is by purchasing used auto body parts, or used car parts in general, and in this article, we will tell you all you need to know about purchasing used auto parts and used truck parts.

We are All Import Auto Parts, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with quality and affordable used car parts. Call us today and start saving money on car repairs and maintenance.

What are used auto body parts?

The term “used auto body parts” means exactly what it says. They are parts which existed on cars which have been in wrecks, or which have ceased functioning and been set aside for eventual recycling.  Whereas engine and transmission parts, which have been manufactured with a limited life (usually around 100,000 miles), used body parts really have no life span to speak of. As long as they do not rust due to the climate and/or road debris like sand, they can be used over and over again.  Parts like bumpers and side panels have what you might call an open-ended life span. Just remove them from their host vehicle and put them on a replacement vehicle.  As the kids say, easy peasey.

How much money can you save?

The replacement cost will depend on several factors. The make and model of the vehicle will be on such factor.  Replacing a quarter panel on a Mercedes will cost you more than replacing a quarter panel on a Ford Taurus or Toyota Corolla.  And then, as always, it will depend upon the location. Things cost more in salvage yards in Los Angeles than they do in Charles City, Iowa.

With all that being said, replacement parts, obviously, cost less than new parts. A new quarter panel will run you a couple thousand dollars, and if you have someone install it, toss in a few more hundred dollars. However, and this is the key for this discussion, install that quarter panel yourself, and purchase that quarter panel as a used auto body parts from salvage yards, and you will most likely be looking at a couple hundred dollars total for the replacement job.

A couple thousand or a couple hundred? Which sounds better to you during these tough economic times?

Can you do the job properly by adopting a DIY approach?

The quick answer to this question is yes!  Body parts are much easier to replace than engine or transmission parts; they require very little in the way of expertise at all.  If you have the tools, which are basic, and you have access to YouTube, you can perform a DIY car repair of this type.  The question, then, is this: are you willing to do so? Are you willing to take an hour or two to perform the car repair task?  And the answer is a simple one: you will be willing if you need to save money badly enough.

A final word about All Import Auto Parts.

All Import Auto Parts leads the way in Fort Worth with affordable used car parts and used truck parts. Call us today and tell us what you need and ask us about our industry-best warranty/replacement policy.