Regular Tire Maintenance Will Save You Money

The change of seasons is always a good reminder to think about some tire maintenance, and today, as many in the country dig out from another major snowstorm, perhaps we should take a few minutes to discuss things you can do at home to make sure your tires will serve you for many miles to…


Car Ignition Maintenance Tips

When was the last time you did maintenance work on your car’s ignition? Exactly our point! Most likely you were shaking your head in frustration, because you can’t remember the last time your vehicle needed ignition maintenance.  Do you know why that is? In today’s modern vehicles, there are practically no moving parts in the…


Shock and Strut Maintenance Tips

Are your shocks or struts worn?  Have you been putting off replacing them for a variety of reasons, figuring it’s no big deal to wait a little longer? Think again! Shocks and struts are part of what is known as the “Safety Triangle” on your vehicle.  They work in conjunction with your tires and brakes…


Transmission Maintenance Tips

Mention the words “transmission problems” to the average car owner and they will instantly break out in a cold sweat and start convulsing. Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is close to the truth, and that is because the transmission is a mystery to most vehicle owners.  There are some…


Audi Chases BMW for World Dominance in Luxury Car Sales

Audi is coming after Toyota with a vengeance. Well, maybe not Audi so much as its parent company Volkswagen, but the point is the same:  VW is not happy being Number Two in the world among car manufacturers, so the warning has been issued, the Toyota better be looking over its shoulder.
