Car Brake Parts and How They Work

For those of you who are novices when it comes to car repair, car brakes are a bit more complicated than the brakes on bicycles, but they work on the same principle.  Something is pushed against the wheel to make your vehicle slow down.  That’s the easy explanation.  The process by which it happens is…


A List of Body Parts For Your Vehicle

Consider this a primer for people who don’t know much about vehicles.  You know how it is, right?  You’re standing around the water cooler at work, and somebody mentions that there is a great sale on body parts at the local salvage yard, and you don’t have a clue what they are talking about.  Well,…


Volkswagen Used Parts At All Import Auto Parts

Can you name the number one car manufacturer in the world?  Most of you will either name Toyota, GM, or Volkswagen, and those of you who said VW would be absolutely correct.  Now, if you had been asked which manufacturer is number one in vehicles it would have been Toyota….but….for passenger cars VW is king…


Christmas Gift Ideas For Car Enthusiasts

So you have a car enthusiast in your family and you simply cannot think of a thing to buy them for Christmas.  At All Import Auto Parts we say go with the flow.  If they love cars then give them car parts, and what better place to do your Christmas shopping for car parts than…


Happy Thanksgiving From All Import Auto Parts

We are a little early this week with our post and that is because we here at All Import Auto Parts would like to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Be safe on the roads and enjoy your time with family and friends. As you prepare for the long weekend, perhaps you have…
