“Something Wicked….”: The Lexus GS 400

Advertised upon its release as “Something Wicked This Way Comes,” the Lexus GS 400 proved that a Japanese import car could stand with the best that European car makers had to offer.  The BMW 5 Series may frolic a bit more and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class may have the classy name, but this entry into the…


The Groundbreaking Jaguar XJ6

 In the mid 1960’s founder Sir William Lyons felt that Jaguar had lost its focus and in the process the company was spending too much money on too many models.  He set about designing a car that would encompass all the attributes that Jaguar owners loved about their cars, namely classiness, comfort, space, and excellent…


The Lexus SC 430: “The Jewel of Lexus.”

The Lexus SC 430 falls under the category “if it ain’t broke, why fix it?”  When the folks at Lexus finally addressed the problem that they did not have a luxury convertible, production began in 2001 on the all-new SC 430, and they were so pleased with the results, evidently, that they have hardly modified…


Jaguar Convertibles, The Ultimate Top Down Experience

Say “convertible” to the average driver and they will think of windblown hair on a nice summer day.  Say “Jaguar convertible” to the same drivers and they will think adrenaline rush of the highest order.  The Jaguar automobiles are not for every driver.  These vehicles are designed for speed and luxury and they deliver time…


The Lexus RX 300; Solid Reliability in an SUV

Track record means everything in the automotive business when new models are introduced and consumers know that when Lexus has a new model there is no doubt concerning its bloodlines.  Lexus seldom makes a mistake with new models and in 1998 they introduced one of the first luxury midsize SUV’s and they did not disappoint.…
