Father’s Day Gift Ideas

It’s never too early to begin talking about Father’s Day.  The big day for dads is three weeks away and as such we at All Import Auto Parts have some rather practical gift suggestions. Is your father or husband a fixer-upper?  Is he one of those who would rather do the work himself than find…


Mercedes GL-Class 2012

One thing is certain when reading an article written about a Mercedes:  somewhere in the article will be the words “classy” and “superior craftsmanship.” Well, this article, about the Mercedes GL-Class, will not disappoint you because this is one finely crafted car.   This is both an excellent choice for families AND an excellent choice for…


Where Would We Be Without Steering Parts?

A car’s steering may well be one of the most underappreciated and least-understood of all the car components and yet day in and day out we rely on the steering wheel and its components to turn us safely as we drive.  Don’t you think it’s about time we pay a little attention to the steering…


Memorial Day Weekend Means Vehicle Maintenance

Happy Friday and that of course means the start of a great three-day weekend soooooo…Happy Memorial Day one and all! So what are your plans?  The unofficial start of summer means you need to get out and go camping or at least a picnic at the lake or river!  Before you go, though, give some…


The Mercedes M-Class 2012

2012 has brought minor changes to the Mercedes M-Class for one good reason: why would you want to mess with a good thing? This very popular mid-size SUV had already established a nice niche in the market despite its price tag and the makers of Mercedes decided for 2012 they were just going to tweak…
